May 10, 2010

Nathan has a feild trip to the zoo tomorrow, so I bought him some treats that I don't usually put in their lunches. No Frills had these on sale:

Brooklyn asked if she could have some for snack this afternoon and I said yes, assuming she would take a handful and that would be it (yeah right!).
Nathan came home from school, saw them and asked if he could could have some. I said "Sure" which was followed by a "what the...!!" from Nathan. He handed me the box and this is what we see:

If you can't tell what's wrong look at this:

The little stinker ate all the cheese off the crackers and put them back in the box!

So I figure next time I'll just buy her this:

and forego the crackers all together. The real question is - do I let the other 2 eat the rest of the naked crackers or is that too gross?


  1. ba ha ha ha ha! i'm impressed with her nerve! and i like the crackers better than the cheese.

    altho...i love the icing of oreos better than the cookie...and i used to just eat the icing and leave the cookies for tyler...

  2. HahaHAHAhaha oh my goodness I am actually laughing out loud right now
    I love her....
    I miss you guys
    That is awesome...and no, i would totally give the other two the crackers......maybe I am just a bad parent...haha

  3. That is awesome! Guess you need to keep a closer eye on that girl next time you give her a snack.
